In September, 2005, we purchased, S/V Blue Sky in Southern California. She had just returned from Hawaii, after doing a Pacific Ocean Circle. She is a 45' Down East Ketch rigged sailboat, with a draft of 7' and gross tonnage of 36,000 pounds. The rigging includes Harken roller furling for the Genoa, stays'l, main and mizzen sails. Electronics include: Raytheon ST7001 + autopilot, Raytheon 42 mile Radar, dual depth meters, one forward seeking sonar. Wind and Knot meters, ICOM VHF with command mic in cockpit and single side band (SSB), along with a Garmin GPS.
The comforts of a home in the boat include; 110 volt Dometic refrigerator and freezer, Force 10 propane galley range that gimbals, pressurized water from two 150 Gallon water tanks with a 20 gallon Isotherm water heater. Two 150 Gallon fuel tanks with a Kohler generator.
There is a master bedroom after with a wall to wall king size bed, a mid-berth with bunk beds and a V-Berth forward. Two heads (toilets) with vanities and plenty of storage.